VBCN at the 7th edition of Contemporary Istanbul
22 11 2012
CI Dialogues

VBCN at the 7th edition of Contemporary Istanbul
22- 25 November 2012
In honor of 400 years of diplomatic relations betweenTurkey and the Netherlands, the VBCN was invited to take part in the 7th edition of Contemporary Istanbul, the premium and largest art fair in Turkey. Running from 22 – 25 November, the fair offered a platform for a comprehensive range of Turkish and international galleries, including a special selection from the Netherlands. VBCN chairman Sabrina Kamstra (AMC collection), Catharien Romijn (DSM Art Collection), Alexander Strengers (De Nederlandsche Bank collection) and a number of important Dutch artists and curators were invited to participate in the fair’s panel discussion program, CI dialogues, which took as its theme “Art as a collective space”. The VBCN members shared their experiences about building a corporate collection, while others, such as Ann Demeester (Director of De Appel art center) and Hedwig Fijen (Director of Manifesta) discussed the functions of institutions and how they participate in the production of art in the Netherlands. The program, which was held at the Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Center and the Istanbul Congress Center, was realized with the support of the Mondriaan Fund and the Dutch Consulate in Istanbul.