- Maurice Thomassen
- Jurgen Bey
- Leon Adriaans
- Emo Verkerk
- Bas Meerman
- Marcel van Eeden
- Bert Frijns
- Kars Persoon
- Henri Jacobs
ASR — Maurice Thomassen
Collection ASR
a.s.r. is the Dutch insurance company for all types of insurance. Via the a.s.r., De Amersfoortse, Europeesche Verzekeringen and Ditzo brands, a.s.r. offers a wide range of financial products covering P/C, life and income insurance, group and individual pensions, health insurance, travel and leisure insurance and funeral insurance for both retail customers and the corporate market.
Besides insurance products the a.s.r.-range also includes savings and investment products and bank savings products. Additionally, a.s.r. invests in real estate development and operations. a.s.r. is one of the five largest insurers in the Netherlands.
Art policy
The underlying idea for building an art collection is to make the working environment as inspiring as possible for the employee. We consciously chose contemporary Dutch visual art. Pieces are also used to enhance the look, feel and presentation of the various spaces. For a.s.r., supporting arts and culture is also part of its drive to be involved with the community. With the historical collections, the foundation wants to convey historical consciousness and a common corporate promotion. This leads to a greater commitment to the organization.
The art collection is divided into three themes, that each fit in with a.s.r.’s positioning. Pieces are categorized into the People, Daily life and Nature themes. The procurement focuses on the work of contemporary Dutch artists. With the art purchases the foundation wants to further strengthen the thematic subdivision.
a.s.r. also owns a collection of contemporary glass objects. Their transparency and clarity represent key principles that form a.s.r.’s profile. The acquisition will focus on organic glass art of working or living artists in The Netherlands. Many of these, are artists who experiment with glass and the limits of this search.
In January 2010 the foundation Art and Historical Artefacts was founded. The foundation exists of the following components:
- Art
- Historical Property
- Historic Archive
- Historic Library
This collection has been collected through several acquisitions from 1720. The art collection was partly collected in a art policy where the focus laid on the acquisition of modern contemporary art of Dutch Artists. The collection is a gathering of both a thematic and artistic movement.