
TU/e Kunstcollectie

  • Hella Jongerius
  • Hella Jongerius
  • Hella Jongerius
Open de Gallerij

Loom Room
Site specific installation of textile
9 meters high

TU/e Kunstcollectie — Hella Jongerius

  • Loom Room
    Site specific installation of textile
    9 meters high

  • Loom Room
    Site specific installation of textile
    9 meters high

  • Loom Room
    Site specific installation of textile
    9 meter hoog

TU/e Art Collection


At the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) research and education are inextricably linked. The TU/e is known for its strong research collaboration with industry and the Brainport region and its Challenge Based Learning educational concept, in which students come up with concrete solutions for future social challenges. The growing population of students, now more than 14,000, works together with researchers on groundbreaking technological solutions for social challenges in the areas of sustainable energy, AI, health and the semicon industry. 

The art collection of the Eindhoven University of Technology consists of sculptures, paintings, prints, drawings, photography, textiles, and site-specific installations. The function of the collection is not only to adorn the campus, but also to contribute to a creative environment for the students, teachers, researchers, and other employees of the university. Beloved well-known artists in the collection include Ad Dekkers, Le Corbusier, Lotti van der Gaag and Hella Jongerius.  

Art policy 
The art policy aims to position the university campus as a public site for art, culture, education, and research, with strong local roots and international allure. The activities for the art collection are based on a vision that encompasses ideas on art, history and heritage: Everything that can be found on campus can be considered as a collection. On the one hand, this collection has a material form that consists of architecture, landscape, technical artifacts and artifacts that are made with an artistic aspiration, particularly the artworks of the TU/e Art Collection. On the other hand, there is an immaterial collection consisting of the acquired knowledge, views and memories that have been passed on from previous generations. To keep both the material and immaterial collection relevant for the generations of the future, the art policy is driven by an open perspective for the unknown, what is unseen or requires more attention. An inclusive attitude and sensibility to diversity is therefore an important foundation for our policy. 

The TU/e Art Collection is defined by its unique relationship with the Faculty of Architecture. Since 1957, the university has collected and exhibited art by both established and upcoming artists. Since 1964, the Executive Board has been advised by an Art Committee - then known as the Monumental Decoration Committee - founded by Samuel van Embden, the original architect of the university campus. After consultation and deliberation, the members of the Art Committee decide on permanent art in the public spaces of the campus and ancillary programming such as events, research and publications. 

Images: photographer (c) Roel van Tour, courtesy Studio Jongeriuslab

Collection title
TU/e Art Collection
Britte Sloothaak (senior curator of the art collection)
Head office
Art collection locations
16 education- and research buildings
Number of art works
Approximately 400 works in the TU/e Art Collection, plus more than 900 works in the ​​Art Library
Launch year
Sculptures, paintings, prints, drawings, photography, textiles and site-specific installation art
Focus of collection
Modern and contemporary art and design
Guided tours

On request 


Art collection website

Colenbrander, Sloothaak en Vesters, Hella Jongerius: Loom Room, Eindhoven 2023 Colenbrander, Huiskamp en Frieling, Gijs Frieling: 16 covers + 1, Eindhoven 2020

Exposition space

Highlights from the art collection are on permanent display. 


Opening hours: 

External presentations




Works on loan


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