Martina Strusny - The Geography of the Imagination
30 05 2013
Martina Strusny, One Day, 2010

The installations and objects of Martina Strusny (1973) reflect her search for the Essence of the Sublime. ‘The sublime is something that I experience in the natural and that gives me the sensation of something supernatural. My whole work is about approaching the Sublime and catch something that can't be said, which I could describe as the truth beyond everything. Not a scientific truth or a philosophic truth, more a poetic truth. It always stays vague, so it stays fleeting, thoughtful and light. I am seduced by transparency. In elements as water and wind I observe a powerful ability of adaptation and change, as well as an calming understanding about endlessness. And in fleeting thoughts that happen to appear throughout unconscious daily reflection, I find surprising conclusions.’
Exposorium Vrije Universiteit
VU, De Boelelaan 1105
Drs. Hendriekje Bosma
020 598 56 48
website: /over de VU/cultuur/Exposorium