Vrije Universiteit
- Jan Banning
- Isabelle Wenzel
- Bas Princen
- Philip Akkerman
Vrije Universiteit — Jan Banning
VU Art collection
Academic research and education at VU is characterized by a high level of ambition, and encourages free and open communications and ideas. Only by exchanging ideas and knowledge we can understand the world we are living in. Therefore VU strives for inclusiveness and openness where different opinions can be exchanged. Our art policy contributes to this goal. Art makes us conscious of our own thoughts and ideas and makes us aware of other perspectives. It contributes to an open and investigative attitude that is needed to conduct science.
The art collection of the VU has grown by acquisitions, art assignments and gifts. The collection contains about 1200 works in various media and provides an overview of important artistic and social developments since the late '70s. Artworks of Carel Visser, Cornelis Rogge, Tom Claassen, Philip Akkerman, Gé Karel van der Sterren, Isabelle Wenzel and Jan Banning are part of the VU Collection.
Since 2016 VU University Amsterdam aspires to a distinctive and relevant art policy by bringing together current artistic research and scientific research. Science investigates reality by interpreting and objectifying data. Art mirrors the human, subjective experience of reality. The combination of knowledge and experience leads to insight into ourselves and the world around us.
When VU University moved from the city center to Buitenveldert in 1967, the Executive Board ordered a committee to bring art to the campus. The Exposorium committee organized exhibitions, mediated in art commissions and set up an art loan system. Because of the freedom that prevailed, the VU was seen as a platform for experiment and innovation.