Identity is a hot but complicated topic. It seems we all have to be aware of our identity nowadays, but discussing it often leads to controversy. Why is it so hard to talk about identity and how can we define identity in a more constructive way?
With an art exhibition and a debate about identity, VU Amsterdam wants to address the sometimes-difficult quest for identity.
The exhibition displays artworks that focus on the quest for identity. Participating artists are: Sara Blokland, Risk Hazekamp, Ari Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek, L.A. Raeven, Pieter Verhoeff about Erik van Lieshout, Willem Popelier and Get Me. The exhibition is on view until July 12.
In a debate on July 9 we will explore the role of the body in constructing identity. VU scientists from different disciplines will reflect on this topic. Some artworks will work as showcase for their lectures. Insights can be exchanged in a discussion afterwards.
We would be happy to welcome you at this event What about me at July 9 at the VU.
Programme for July 9, 2019 Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam
3.00-3.30 pm Viewing exhibition around the Aula, first floor VU main building
3.30-3.45 pm Campus walk to 3D (dialogue space), W&N building
3.45-3.50 pm Opening words at 3D by Marjolein Jansen, vice-president of the university executive board
3.50-3.55 pm Introduction by Karen van Oudenhoven, diversity officer and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
4.00-4.15 pm Speaker Annemie Halsema (Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities) explains to us the idea of identity as a social construction
4.20-4.35 pm Speaker Martina Cornel prof. dr. Community Genetics talks about the role of genetics in forming identity
4.40-4.55 pm Speaker Wayne Modest prof. dr. Material Culture and Critical Heritage Studies tells us about post-colonial heritage and the effects on today's society
5.00-5.30 pm Questions and discussion led by Karen van Oudenhoven, chief diversity officer and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
5.30-6.00 pm Drinks and a bite
For practical questions you can contact Miranda van Holland at:
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