- Aaron van Erp
- Jan Worst
- Peter Struycken
- Armando
- Lucebert
- Ronald Tolman
- Frank van Hemert
- Frank Lisser
- Kees van Bohemen
- Ronald Schimmel

Gasunie — Aaron van Erp
Gasunie art collection
Gasunie is a European gas infrastructure company (approximately 1700 employees). Gasunie's network ranks among the largest high-pressure gas transmission networks in Europe, consisting of more than 15,000 kilometres of pipeline in the Netherlands and northern Germany, dozens of installations and approximately 1,300 gas receiving stations. The annual gas throughput totals approximately 125 billion cubic metres. Gasunie is the first company offering independent gas transport with a cross-border network in Europe. Gasunie strives to reach the highest standards of safety, reliability, efficiency and sustainability. The reliability and strategic location of Gasunie's transport network, which is accessible to growing international gas flows, are contributory factors towards its network being the heart of the 'gas roundabout' of Northwest Europe.
At the moment, the collection of art works within Gasunie mainly consists of contemporary national art.
Art policy
To bring employees into contact with art by such activities as organising, a couple of times a year, an exhibition of a contemporary artist who is alive and living in the Netherlands or organising a themed exhibition where artists display work showing activities loosely connected to Gasunie.
Since 1984, Gasunie has built up an art collection of around 1800 works.