Provincie Limburg
- Atelier Les Deux Garçons (Michel Vanderheijden van Tinteren & Roel Moonen)
- Anja Bayerwaltes
- Rob Stultiens
- Fransje Killaars
- Stephan Mösch
- Maurice Mentjens
- Sidi El Karchi
- Karin Peulen
- Romy Finke
- John Lambrichts

Provincie Limburg — Atelier Les Deux Garçons (Michel Vanderheijden van Tinteren & Roel Moonen)
Province of Limburg Art Collection
As the Netherlands' second youngest province and as a European region, Limburg has its own distinct identity. The socio-economic developments that have taken place here in the last few decades have also triggered a process of change and innovation. This has enabled Limburg to transform the disadvantages of its position on the periphery of the Netherlands into the benefits of a favourable position in a European context.
To facilitate the work of the Provincial Executive, the Province of Limburg employs a civil service of over 900 staff, divided into different departments. Each official brings his/her own expertise to bear in the Province's projects and programmes. The Province's officials operate in many areas and therefore cover a wide variety of jobs and professions, among them surveyor, lawyer and public administrator. The curator works for the Office of the Queen's Commissioner.
The management group is at the head of the civil service organization, its highest administrative body. The general director - the secretary - is head of the province's civil service, bearing general and overall responsibility for its operations. He manages the Province's civil servants and forms the connection between the Provincial Executive and its administrative apparatus.
The Province of Limburg art collection offers a kaleidoscopic view of the artistic production of Limburg and the history and culture of this region of Europe.
The collection's origins lay in formal portraits, a small number of sculptures, a handful of artworks by Limburg's masters and some handcrafted pieces of applied art. Much of the original loan from the State - most of it antique furniture - was returned in 2010.
The bulk of the present-day collection consists of works by Limburg artists since the 1970s, in particular works on paper, purchased during the Trajecta exhibition series, to decorate the building. In the 1980s and especially since 2007, larger works have been purchased from a select number of artists with ties to the province: Piet Killaars, Frans Gast, Rob Stultiens, Nic Tummers, Ger Lataster, Fons Haagmans, Romy Finke, Han Rameckers, John Lambrichts, Juul Sadée, Paul Devens, Stephan Mörsch, Anja Bayerwaltes, Elodie Ledure, Toine Berghs, Sidi El Karchi, Hadassah Emmerich, Sylvie Macias Diaz... Works by Fransje Killaars (Council Chamber), Claudy Jongstra, Chris Keulen and Su Tomesen were also commissioned.