Alicia Framis 'Daily Future'

05 03 2012

Alicia Framis, Lunar Art Exploration (Where did the future go?), 2011

Alicia Framis 'Daily Future'


The first solo exhibition in the Rabo Art Zone has become a reality with DAILY FUTURE.

Alicia Framis created no less than four new works for DAILY FUTURE. She turned the Rabo Art Zone into a room that transports its visitors to day-to-day life on the moon, past imaginary cities and, finally, back to earth. You can look at and test/try out innovative products, dream away with a simulated space mission of six astronauts in the desert, send a message to space or have your scream converted into a totally new object. Alicia Framis wants her art to bring people together, and uses it to share experiences and inspire new ideas. Through DAILY FUTURE, she stimulates conversation on new possibilities in the future.

Date: March 5 - August 31
Location: Rabo Art Zone, Croeselaan 18, Utrecht Free entrance and open from Monday - Friday from 8.30-18.00 hrs

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