

  • Rob Birza
  • Tony Cragg
  • André Volten
  • Martijn Sandberg
  • Céline Condorelli
  • Jan Schoonhoven
  • Koen Delaere
  • Awoiska van der Molen
Open de Gallerij

ei tempera op doek
165 x 290 cm

BPD — Rob Birza

  • Diergaarde
    ei tempera op doek
    165 x 290 cm

  • Flotsam
    polystyreen en glasvezel
    125 x 100 x 100 cm

  • Spiegel van de Hemel
    2000 x 120 x 120 cm

  • When You See All These Works So Fine Do Not Forget To Look At Mine
    100 x 100 cm

  • Proposals for a Qualitative Society (Spinning), 3
    190 x 266 cm

  • Zonder titel
    hout, karton, papier en latex
    119,5 x 100 x 11 cm

  • Zonder titel
    acrylverf en lakverf op doek
    160 x 100 cm

  • # 648-5
    gelatine zilver print
    144 x 120 cm

BPD Art Collection


BPD, which stands for Bouwfonds Property Development , is a large area developer of attractive new residential areas in the Netherlands and Germany. BPD was established in 1946 under the name of Bouwspaarkas Drentsche Gemeenten. Since our establishment 75 years ago, we have facilitated the construction of about 384.000 residential units. We are proud to say that, today, more than 1 million people live in residential areas that we have helped to develop. We operate based on our social belief that everyone is entitled to a comfortable home in a pleasant living environment. We will continue to pursue our ambition of providing affordable and comfortable housing for many generations to come.

The collection presents an overview of works from the 20th and 21st centuries, with an emphasis on fundamental painting, new figuration, new sculpture and neo-expressionism. In 2010 the collection policy has been sharpened to relate more to the core business of the company. The more recent purchases include works of art which deal with architecture, urban and public space, or artists who deal with the relationship between their work and space. The BPD Art Collection includes almost all media; from painting, sculpture and photography to installations and video art.

Fifty years ago, BPD took the initiative of starting its own art collection. From the start in 1976, the scope was international. The collection has been created to offer employees a stimulating working environment and to give them a broader view of the world. In addition, BPD considers it important to support the cultural climate.

In recent years, BPD has increasingly been developing art projects in its own area development: works of art that, in most cases, are donated to the municipality or residents after completion. To embed the art projects in the company, an artist is commissioned annually to create a work for the BPD Art Collection related to the work in the area development. This is not a scale model or literal translation of what was made in the area development, but a work in its own right.

Art and culture are inextricably linked with the quality of living environments. Ever since the company was founded in 1946, art and culture have been linked to our company in a variety of ways. In addition to the BPD Art Collection, BPD is also active in the field of art and culture in many other ways. With BPD Culture Fund, we have been contributing to the realization of art and culture projects for more than 30 years. Through BPD Art Projects, BPD is integrating art into its own area developments. This ranges from from the realization of art works in public spaces, relocating existing art works to developing a temporary arts and culture programme for a specific location. Lastly, exhibitions are organized with (cultural) partners in the Burgerweeshuis.

Collection title
BPD Art Collection
Sharon Oldenkotte-Vrolijk, Jenny Rietbergen-Barendregt, Caroline Coffrie
Head office
Art collection locations
The collection is on display in the offices of BPD in the Netherlands and Germany.
Number of art works
Launch year
All disciplines
Focus of collection
Starting point of the current collection policy is to collect contemporary (inter) national art in which space which plays a role. This includes works by artists who use architecture, urban and public space in their work, but also works of artists who deal with the relationship between their work relates and space.
Guided tours

Every first Saturday of the month. For more information see:

Art collection website
Exposition space

Several times a year, we organise exhibitions in the Burgerweeshuis. For the subjects of the exhibition, we focus on subjects that connect with the artworks from the BPD Art Collection, with the other cultural activities of BPD (BPD Culture Fund and BPD Art Projects) and with the Burgerweeshuis and the ideas of Aldo van Eyck. In doing so, we aim to create a strong link between BPD and the exhibition programme, given the overlaps of the activities in the area of art and culture with BPD's fields of work.

Works on loan
  • Semâ Bekirović, zonder titel, ‘For Every Atom…’, Fries Museum, Leeuwarden, 2024
  • Juan Muñoz, Raincoat Drawing (Derwish girls), ‘Juan Muñoz. Drawings 1982 – 2000’, Centro Botin, Santander, 2022
  • Adriana Varejão, Azulejaria de Cozinha com Presuntos, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art (nu Kunstinstituut Melly), Rotterdam, 2020
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